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Pact Coffee launches Kickstarter campaign to create coffee pods

The coffee-subscription service is looking to raise £20,000 to bring fresh, high-quality roasts to Nespresso machines

Pact Coffee launches Kickstarter campaign to create coffee pods

The coffee-pod craze has taken Britain by storm but up until now the range of coffees on offer has hardly been worthy of a caffeine connoisseur. Fortunately, Pact Coffee, the coffee subscription service, is looking to bring better coffee and more ethical sourcing to the pod market, launching a new Kickstarter campaign to help it bring its speciality coffees to Nespresso machines.

Aiming to raise a total of £20,000 in the next 20 days, the campaign is intended to help Pact deliver high-quality, responsibly sourced coffee to the pods market. The product of 18 months of development, the new, fully recyclable pods will take coffee from unroasted bean to packed pod within seven days and come in letterbox-friendly packaging through the nation’s doors. This will enable consumers to enjoy some of the best coffees the world has to offer without having to fuss about with espresso kettles or cafetières.

Stephen Rapoport, founder and CEO of Pact Coffee, said: “We have poured our heart and soul into producing a pod that we’re really delighted by and that we’d be happy to put our name on. With the help of the Kickstarter community we will get our first production run complete and get these pods into people’s hands.”

Will Corby, the company’s head of coffee, added: “If we can introduce more coffee lovers to speciality coffee, we’ll get more income into the hands of producers at origin and less into the hands of middlemen. One in five households in the UK now have a pod machine but most of the pods on the market are disappointing and don’t use speciality-grade coffee. Our pods will offer both quality and convenience and drive forward our mission to make coffee a force for good by paying farmers really well for the best quality beans.”

If you’re looking for a little taste ahead of the general public, head on over to Kickstarter and back the campaign to receive your pods in November. Those of you that need a little more time to let the idea percolate, we suggest you take a peek at Pact’s campaign video below.

Read More: Nespresso coffee capsule filling sealing machine


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