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Drinking a cup of coffee during nigh-time

a cup of coffee

Drinking a cup of coffee during nigh-time will not only make u stay late but will also jumble up your sleep cycle

Researchers find that drinking an average cup of coffee at night will not only keep you awake but will also mess with your sleep cycle and make your body suffer the next day.

The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Colorado (CU) Boulder and the Medical Research Council’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge.

Caffeine is undoubtedly one of the most of popular drugs in the world. It can be found naturally in more than 60 plants which includes the coffee bean, kola nut, tea leaf and cacao pod. People from all walks of life consume coffee on a daily basis in various forms – coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate, cocoa and some drugs as well.

The study had a very small sample size – only 5 people, 3 female and 2 male. The findings of this study needs further research and confirmation, according to the scientists.

The study took the five participants and put them through a double-blind, placebo controlled 49 days trial.

The participants were asked to drink a capsule of caffeine equal to a double espresso or a placebo capsule around 3 hours before their normal bedtime. The amount of caffeine in the capsule was adjusted to the body weight of the participants.

The findings were staggering. Researchers found that the coffee had pushed the internal body clocks of the participants by at-lest 40 minutes. And if one drinks a single serving of coffee in a well-lit coffee-shop, the combo of artificial lighting and caffeine can delay the internal clock by almost 2 additional hours.

“It seems likely that coffee at night ‘isn’t just keeping you awake‘. It’s also pushing your [internal]clock later so you want to go to sleep later,” commented study co-author and sleep researcher Kenneth Wright Jr., a professor with the Department of Integrative Physiology at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

“The body’s circadian clock, which sets biological rhythms such as sleep/wake cycles. Every cell in the human body has a clock,” added Wright.

The researchers believe that caffeine affects signaling within cells and disrupts a “core component” of the cellular circadian clock.

The research paper at present seems to suggest what most coffee drinkers already know but doesn’t want to implement. “Don’t down a cup of joe when it’s late if you want to avoid feeling sluggish the next day due to lack of sleep.”

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